Christmas Bird Count 2014
On Jan. 10th the Tambor Bay Birding Association conducted its third annual Christmas Bird count! It was a great turn out at Hotel Tambor Tropical the night before the count, with 25 people getting organized into groups in preparation of a full day of birding ahead. The count began at 6PM on Jan. 9th with a nocturnal survey up to Raptor Ridge, the highlights of which was a great look at a cooperative mottled owl. The next day, four teams covered the areas of Curu, Los Delfines, Raptor Ridge and the Panica River, recording a total of 172 species and 1852 individuals. Highlights of the day included Crane Hawk, King Vulture and a new species for the Tambor Bay list, Greenish Elaenia! The count wrapped up with an excellent supper at H and B Restaurant and Cabinas, thanks folks!
Too see more images from the count visit the Tambor Bay Birders facebook page.
Click here to see a table of the count data from the Christmas Bird count 2014.
A big thank you to our special guest Robert Dean, illustrator of the essential guide book “The Birds of Costa Rica: A Field Guide.” Thanks or helping us out with our count and we hope to have you again to Tambor Bay!